
12 Desserts of Christmas

Decadent dessert recipes to make with our iconic Italian gelato to last you through the festive season and beyond.

Make Christmas extra special with Badiani

Gelato Tiramisu

The easiest Tiramisu you'll ever make. Our signature Buantoalenti gelato is layered with ladyfingers dipped in coffee. Make ahead of time for a show-stopping dessert this Christmas!

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Gelato Tiramisu


In Italy, it’s not Christmas without Pandoro. Layer you Pandoro like a professional with our Buontalenti gelato and drizzle with your favourite sauce.

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Gelato stuffed Panettone

This Italian show-stopper combines two of Italy's iconic sweets into one decadent dessert. Make ahead of time wow your guests with this fun and festive crowd pleaser.

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Gelato Panetonne 2

Gelato Recipes

Find 12 Decadent Desserts made with Badiani Gelato to serve to your guests throughout the festive season.

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Affogato 5


Bread & Butter Pudding 2

Panettone Bread & Butter Pudding

Brownie 2


Sundae 1

Gelato Sundae

French Toast 2

Panettone French Toast

Sgroppino 3


Cookie Sandwich 3

Gelato Cookie Sandwich

Mince Pie Sundae 3

Mince Pie Sundae

Pistachio Tiramisu 2

Pistachio Gelato Tiramisu

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